Document Shredding

Securely dispose of sensitive information
Don't keep confidential records around longer than necessary. Lifestyle Document Management, Inc is equipped to dispose of any physical or digital storage mediums quickly and securely.

Quick & Easy
Our state-of-the-art equipment can destroy 7 tons of paper per hour and is capable of securely shredding any type of conventional physical media.

Secure Digital Shredding
Did you know? Files "deleted" from a Hard Drive are often able to be partially or fully recovered. We thoroughly destroy Hard Drives and other digital media devices making you sensitive data totally unrecoverable.

Verified & Notarized
When your files or other media has been destroyed, you'll receive a notarized certificate of destruction.

Archive Your Files Digitally
 We can create digital archives of your files before destroying them. 

You're In Good Hands
All employees follow a strict code of ethics and are under an NDA for the safety and security of your information. In addition, we conform with i-SIGMA®'s guidelines for document storage.
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